Ethical Angel Blog

Why Failure Is the Secret to Effective L&D...

Written by Samantha Read | Apr 6, 2023 12:58:34 PM

Since we were children, we've been conditioned to believe that failure is a bad thing that must be avoided at all costs. In some cases this might be true, but what if we told you that failure is actually the secret to success within L&D...

Read on as we explore why failure can quite often be the key to a highly engaging and effective L&D strategy.


Overview of Current Methods

Traditional L&D techniques that rely heavily on theoretical learning, such as lectures and reading materials, often lack engagement and don't provide employees with the practical experience that they crave. This can contribute to poor employee retention and engagement because these techniques fail to meet the needs and expectations of modern learners.

Experiential learning, on the other hand, focuses on learning through experience and actively engaging employees in the learning process. This can include activities such as simulations, role-playing, and hands-on projects that allow employees to practice new skills and receive immediate feedback.

Experiential learning is more effective for retention and engagement because it encourages employees to actively participate in the learning process and develop a deeper understanding of the material. By providing employees with the opportunity to apply what they have learned in a practical setting, they are more likely to retain the information and feel more confident in their abilities.

Additionally, experiential learning can create a sense of ownership and accountability in employees, which can lead to greater engagement and commitment to their role within the organisation. When employees feel invested in their own learning and development, they are more likely to stay with the organisation and contribute to its success over the long term.

Essentially the shift towards experiential learning in L&D is driven by a desire to improve employee retention and engagement by providing more effective, engaging, and relevant learning experiences.


Why Failing Is So Important

Failing in a safe learning and development environment is important because it allows individuals to learn from their mistakes and improve their skills without fear of negative consequences. In such an environment, individuals can take risks, try new things, and experiment with different approaches without worrying about the potential negative impacts on their performance, reputation or business.

When individuals are free to fail in a safe learning environment, they can identify areas for improvement and develop the skills necessary to achieve their goals. This process of trial and error helps individuals to build resilience, adaptability, and creativity, which are all essential qualities for success in any field.

Moreover, the fear of failure can be a significant barrier to learning and growth, and it can cause individuals to shy away from taking on new challenges or pursuing ambitious goals. By providing a safe environment for failure, individuals can overcome this fear and develop a growth mindset that enables them to embrace challenges, learn from their mistakes, and continually improve their performance.


What Are the Difficulties in Introducing This Type of Learning?

Introducing failing safely and experiential learning to an L&D program can be challenging for several reasons:

1. Resistance to change: Employees and trainers may be resistant to changing the way they approach learning and development. They may be comfortable with traditional, theoretical learning methods and may not see the value in experiential learning or failing safely.

2. Cost and time constraints: Implementing experiential learning and failing safely can be time-consuming and expensive. It may require additional resources, such as trainers, facilitators, or specialised equipment.

3. Risk management: Organisations may be concerned about the potential risks associated with failing safely and experiential learning. They may worry about legal liability or reputational damage if an activity goes wrong.

4. Lack of buy-in from leadership: Leaders may not see the value in investing in a new approach to learning and development. Without their support, it can be difficult to secure the necessary resources and commitment from other stakeholders.

5. Resistance from learners: Learners may be hesitant to participate in experiential learning activities, especially if they feel uncomfortable or unsure about the process. It can be challenging to motivate them to engage fully in the learning experience.

With careful planning and effective communication, however, these challenges can be overcome, and organisations can create a more engaging and effective learning environment.


How Does Ethical Angel Combat These Issues?

Ethical Angel's approach to experiential learning can combat the difficulties of introducing failing safely and experiential learning to an L&D program in several ways:

1. Safe environment for experimentation that you don’t need to build: Ethical Angel provides a safe and controlled environment for learners to experiment and fail safely. The platform allows learners to practice and apply new skills without fear of negative consequences, thus addressing the concerns around risk management.

2. Flexibility and convenience: Ethical Angel's online platform provides a convenient way for learners to engage in experiential learning. This approach allows learners to participate in learning activities at their own pace and convenience in a light-touch way, thereby addressing the time constraints of traditional classroom-based learning.

3. Meaningful and purposeful learning: Ethical Angel's approach to experiential learning is designed to be meaningful and purposeful. By focusing on real-world challenges and providing opportunities for learners to apply their skills to real-world scenarios, learners can see the practical applications of what they are learning, thereby increasing engagement and motivation.

4. Personalisation: Ethical Angel's platform provides personalised learning experiences tailored to the needs and preferences of individual learners. This approach addresses the resistance to change and lack of buy-in from learners by allowing them to engage in learning activities that are relevant and meaningful to them.

5. Support from expert facilitators: Ethical Angel's platform is supported by experts who provide guidance and support to learners throughout the learning process. This approach helps learners to feel more comfortable and confident in their ability to engage in experiential learning activities, thus addressing the resistance from learners.

In summary, Ethical Angel's approach to experiential learning addresses the difficulties of introducing failing safely and experiential learning to an L&D program by providing a safe environment for experimentation, flexibility and convenience, meaningful and purposeful learning, personalisation, and support from experts. These features can help organisations to create a more engaging and effective learning environment that promotes continuous learning and growth.

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