How Ethical Angel Delivers ROI

We're Ethical Angel. We help L&D teams improve knowledge retention and enhance employees' behaviours by partnering them with charities who need help. Enabling practical application of targeted skills and behaviours in real-world scenarios. 

This hands-on approach reduces knowledge loss from 90% to 30%, resulting in:

Untitled_design__32_-removebg-preview (1) Increased ROI on your training programmes.

Untitled_design__32_-removebg-preview (1) Increased staff Retention 

Untitled_design__32_-removebg-preview (1) Boosted employee competencies.

Untitled_design__32_-removebg-preview (1) Boosted learner engagement.

Untitled_design__32_-removebg-preview (1) Boosted CSR impact.


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Transform Your Learning and Development with Ethical Angel